Thursday, February 18, 2016

600 amp dc switching contactor

A source for off the shelf quality switching dc contactors at gives battery banking bus bar connenctions easy for bolt on  appliciations.

Series negative to positive connection of float voltage batteries gives the required float voltage but the AH battery rating does not increase. Example 4 100 AH 12-volt battery series connected will equal 48 volt dc 100 AH. To increase AH parallel neg to neg and pos to pos would give 400 AH but only 12 volt dc.

String sets of float voltage batteries can be contactor controlled to make massive amounts of dc to ac electrical power possible. High amp contactors makes switching these string sets possible and very easy the hard part comes with PLC automation dc switching control to pull fault sets or charging sets offline as required to battery drain percentage. This is what D B Electric calls smart switching on the dc side of mini microgrid electrical power. PLC SCADA interconnects with grid utility and can take solar, wind, hybrid electrical power for back feed when systems are producing more than they are using onsite.

Electrical grid utility sinewave power can be matched to quality high end dc to ac microprocessor controlled inverter electrical power with switching transfers so fast that computer & clock resets are not needed. In either 50 or 60 hertz single and 3 phase with voltages matched to clients needs.

Small building blocks of off the shelf electrical power is possible by purchasing supplies as funding is available and island style connections in steps to achieve your own mini microgrid  electrical power. Electrical power is very easy to safely produce with total control and protection. And with quality materials that have years of off the shelf life cycles for trouble free reliable and dependable electrical power.

D B Electric offers freelance consulting with 42 years experience. D B Electric can show you how easy off grid or grid tied electrical power is. It's all in the numbers your ac monthly wattage load matched to different forms of alternative energy sources (wind, solar, hydro, hybrid) can lower, stop, or legally back feed into grid power and many other options.

D B Electric
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