When the main breaker panel/fuse box location has become full leaving no more attachment for further wring to be added, most handymen, electricians, ect will use tandem style breakers or other means to gain additional circuit protection. Usually no thought goes into the additional heat being generated by these types of quick fixes. By removing 1 old breaker and installing 1 tandem replacement 1 extra spot is gained along with the increased heat from the additional wiring added. All not very good ideas as too much heat can melt the buss bar entirely or cause a fire.
Some Locations/Your Authority will not allow the use of tandem circuit breakers.
A circuit breaker is designed to be a restriction point for the attached wired circuit. allowing designed amp load to be tripped at that number. Heat is being generated during this process the more amps you pull the greater the heat becomes until it reaches the tripping point or going directly to ground in a dead short issue. Electrical power is always going to go directly to ground thru a ground rod system if correctly installed, which most older systems or older wiring has none installed whatsoever. Upgrades to the utility company cables are the only true fix meaning a new meter base, weather head, main breaker replacement. By doing the upgrade new service wires will be installed from the weather head to line side meter to load side meter to main breaker to match load amp requirements of the home. This is the best fix for older wiring nightmares. Along with replacement of all wiring inside the home pigged tailed, according folded, true series circuit thru out. Done correctly many years of reliable and safe operation are possible. But for some the best fix is beyond their options and one more alternative is possible called a sub panel as the very top photo has many attached already.
Instead of a Main Breaker this panel is called Main Lug. By removing 2 openings in very top old photo and install a one new larger breaker from that location to feed the Main Lug panel above photo. This also would eliminate the other older smaller sub panels into the new Main Lug Panel. But you are only adding space not increasing amps as that is set with the wires from utility wires and meter base wiring, if those are already overloaded then nothing is gained and great harm or fire is very possible. It's always better to do any electrical work right from the very start and thru out the entire wiring harness. Whenever a sub panel is the only option one should be installed large enough to stop what's going on like in the very top photo of the many added older subpanels along with future work that may be needed or added at some other point in time. Usually 3/4" plywood is used for a mounting surface which is much better than chipboard for panel attachment and nailing surface for wire staples to hold wiring or conduits neatly.
A better solution is do the project right from the very start if it's old and outdated nothing will fix it other then an update entirely, by doing this circuits can be designed to operate more efficiently and dedicated for set amp openings. Example microwave/dishwasher/clothes washer, ect ect all on there own circuit breakers meaning that breaker only operates 1 device. By doing this motors, ect will run better because they are not being starved for power on startup/running like if they had other openings on the same circuit breakers. By updating entire wiring harness from older ungrounded cables to newer grounded cables brings added safety for the operation of afci, gfci circuit breaker protection. Splitting circuit breakers for outlets and lighting general purpose like bed rooms,ect if an outlet trips from fault it will not knock the lights out. NEC/Your Authority is minimum code requirements concerning new up dates you can never below that standard of craftsmanship that's the starting point you can always go above code with quality craftsmanship. Meaning to install custom cabling options correctly 100% piggd tailed, according folded, true series circuit. Above code projects is what D B Electric specializes in with 100% quality craftsmanship backed by years of experience.
Most Homeowners can permit their project themselves with permit inspections from there local authority. Green tag is final approval and it's operating at designed amp requirements. D B Electric can consult you thru the entire process from a 41 year experienced master electrician and 2 generations of a family owned business with quality craftsmanship and consulting options .
With all that even more is possible by either having a total update or sub panel update opening. Space is gained for auto start generator, grid main switching, solar, wind, ect ect. Electrical Main/Breaker Main/Lug panels are building blocks of electrical requirements loads. It's all in making these different devices operating nicely together with smart switching that can be web monitored anywhere in the world free of charge
It's All In The Numbers They Never Lie
Wattage/Voltage = Amperage
Voltage X Amperage = Wattage
Basic Electrical Knowledge
Making massive amounts of electrical power from lithium ion battery banking dc to ac sine wave inverters can allow any homeowner to go totally off grid easily it's free unlimited energy clean safe reliable 7/24/365 and D B Electric can pre build or consult you thru the entire processes.
So as you have learned unlimited electrical power is possible very easily. Old wiring and electrical updates are easily done with homeowner permits and Consulting by D B Electric. And that numbers never lie.
D B Electric
email www.offgridpowerdbelectric@gmail.com
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